Berry Varieties and Availability
We have several varieties planted in separate rows so that berries are available during most of the year. Each individual variety will produce for 2-4 weeks each season. Some produce in BOTH the early summer and the fall. Please see the "ripening chart" below for approximate availability dates.
PURPLE RASPBERRIES- This type of berry is only summer bearing. A cross between Red and Black Raspberries, the taste is like a very ripe red raspberry. There is only one variety of purple raspberries (Royalty Purple). There is a tight summer window (first week of July or so) and we only have one row this year, but we will add more rows soon.

YELLOW RASPBERRIES- A milder raspberry with a bright yellow hue. These berries come in periods from mid-June to October. We have two varieties of yellow raspberries: Annie and Fall Gold.
BLACK RASPBERRIES- This family favorite is seedier and slighly less sweet than red with an irresistibly unique flavor. It comes for just a few short weeks each July. We have three summer varieties of black raspberries: Jewel, Bristol and Mac Black. We did, however, discover a newly created fall variety (Niwot) - so it might be possible to get some of these in the early fall as well.

BLACKBERRIES- Two summer varieties (Chester and Quachita) and one fall bearing variety (Prime Ark Freedom). These are generally available from late July onward.

BLUEBERRIES- Just a few so far- but building each year

ARONIA BERRIES (aka, black chokecherry)- This antioxidant superfood is tart, but great in a mixed berry smoothie. Our variety is deep blue to black and is named 'viking'. See our 'Special Topics' section for a deep dive into these lifesavers.

STRAWBERRIES- 3 early summer varieties (Hanoeye, Jewel, and AC Valley Sunset). These were planted recently so there is limited availability for pick your own.